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CED Digest Vol. 2 No. 51 • 12/20/1997 |
From: Defens Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 21:44:52 -0700 To: ceds@teleport.com Subject: this is great I think that this newsletter is a great idea. RCA ran out on us in 1984 while the Lazer Disc crowd cheered. Now DVD is doing the same to them. Will we never learn? Somebody in Mexico or Taiwan should start making the players again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 12:20:32 -0600 From: David Potochick To: ceds@teleport.com Subject: CED Digest Vol. 2 No. 50 -Reply >AMEN!!!!! If I read one more posting asking for "MIB" on CED I'll quit >subscribing to the CED Digest. I love RCA's terrible format for what it >was and still is today...THE VIDEO EDSEL. Ford won't make you >anymore Edsels and you're not getting any new CED movies either. >What's the point? The fun of >CED is that it is DEAD. Same reason I like LPs and 8-tracks, hell I NEVER >buy new stuff on LPs. >Tony Allright, someone that agrees with me!!!! Keep the CED dead!!!.... If anyone does bring it back I will be amazed..... However, I would like to start the committee to bring back the Ford Edsel..... We could get all of the information from Ford and and start mass producing the Ford Edsel.... Yah!!!! Who's with me on this??? Look, If we all pitch in $100.00 we can bring back the Ford Edsel!!!!...... Okay, I'm just joking..... gosh.... Why doesn't someone try to revive mechanical television???? There's an idea.... Better yet, we could start the committee to go back to 60 line television instead of 525 lines!!!! Y'know, things were a lot better back in those days.... Who needs HDTV???? Later, Dave. -BTW - My Benji CED is still playing fine with no lubricant on the disc whatsoever..... I'll let the site know when this CED fails...... My test to find out if the lubricant is really necessary continues...... The disc has been played at many different times without lubricant for over 6 months now....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: "Daniel P. Cayea" To: <ceds@teleport.com> Subject: CED Player Search Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 20:21:25 -0500 Telecom Technologies Incorporated is in search of an RCA Series 400 or compatible series player for use in the National Capacitance Disc Library. Any offers should be sent to cayead@westelcom.com with the words 'NCDL Player Bid' in the subject line. Dan Cayea TTI ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Moviefun Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 01:01:21 EST To: ceds@teleport.com Subject: needle i need a new needle cartridge for an RCA Brand Selectavisoin player Model# sgt-075 if you have one or any information on this, please le me know- thank you, Moviefun@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 08:18:31 -0800 From: Tom Howe To: ceds@teleport.com Subject: Happy Holiday! HINT: View this image in the Courier font, and drag over the text to select it. .:::::::::::... .::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .,uuu ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: dHHHHHLdHHHHb ....:::::::'` ::::::::::::::::::' uHHHHHHHHHHHHHF .uHHHHHHHHH' ::::::::::::::`. uHHHHHHHHHHHHHP" HHHHHHHHHHH `:::::::::::',dHHuHHHHHHHHhhhP" J"HHHHHHHHHP 4H ::::::::' uHHHHHHHHHHHHH$$$. ".HHHHHHHHP" .,uHP :::::' uHHHHHHHHHHP"",e$$$$$c HHHHHHHF' dHHHHf `````.HHHHHHHHHHP",d$$$$$$$P%C .dHHHP"" JHHHHbuuuu,JHHHHHHHHP",d$$$$$$$$$e=,z HHHHHHHF' dHHHHf `````.HHHHHHHHHHP",d$$$$$$$P%C .dHHHP"" JHHHHbuuuu,JHHHHHHHHP",d$$$$$$$$$e=,z$$$$$$$$ee.. "" .HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHP",gdP" ..3$$$Jd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$e. dHHHHHHHHHHHHHHP".edP " .zd$$$$$$$$$$$"3$$$$$$$$c `???""??HHHHP",e$$F" .d$,?$$$$$$$$$$$$$F d$$$$$$$$F" ?be.eze$$$$$".d$$$$ $$$E$$$$P".,ede`?$$$$$$$$ 4."?$$$$$$$ z$$$$$$ $$$$r.,.e ?$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ '$c "$$$$ .d$$$$$$$ 3$$$.$$$$ 4$$$ d$$$$P"`,, """- "$$".`$$" " $$f,d$$P".$$P zeee.zd$$$$$. ze. .C$C"=^" ..$$$$$$P".$$$'e$$$$$P?$$$$$$ .e$$$$$$$"="$f",c,3eee$$$$$$$$P $$$P'd$$$$"..::.."?$% 4d$$$P d$$$dF.d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$f $$$ d$$$" :::::::::. $$$$$$ d$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J$$",$$$'.:::::::::::: "$$$$$$ ?$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P".dP'e$$$$'::::::::::::::: 4$$$$$$c $$$$b`$$$$$$$$$$$P"",e$$",$$$$$' :::::::::::::::: ' ?"?$$$b."$$$$.?$$$$$$P".e$$$$F,d$$$$$F :::::::::::::::::: "?$$bc."$b.$$$$F z$$P?$$",$$$$$$$ :::::::::::::::::::: `"$$c"?$$$".$$$)e$$F,$$$$$$$' :::::::::::::::::::: ':. "$b...d$$P4$$$",$$$$$$$" ::::::::::::::::::::: `"$$c"?$$$".$$$)e$$F,$$$$$$$':::::::::::::::::::: ':. "$b...d$$P4$$$",$$$$$$$" ::::::::::::::::::::: ':::: "$$$$$".,"".d$$$$$$$F :::::::::::::::::::::: :::: be."".d$$$4$$$$$$$$F ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: "??$$$$$$$$$$?$P" ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ?$$$$$$$$f d.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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